Friday, February 19, 2010


A Beautiful Testimonial

The testimonial below was sent to me recently by Sue Clempson. She is currently planning a workshop programme around The Song of Mother Divine. In her email to me she says:
".....I've been further inspired by the miracle of your book. I've actually planned a workshop that links completely with the text and images of it (probably on the back of an envelope, somewhere!!). The positive impact of your book is what I'm wanting to pass on; like a member of a relay team! So I find myself preparing to offer a few workshops, on the theme of 'healing the holes of hurt'.
And I'm about to place a job-lot order of your book, for a most special 'circle' time within my workshops.
Sue, thank you so much,
I hope the testimonial I've attached is of some use to you.

With love, Sue Clempson.
The Song of Mother Divine
Sue Saraswati

I feel compelled to offer a humble, yet heart-felt recommendation for this unbelievable book. It certainly reinforces the'less is more adage'.

Were I ever to be in the position to 'choose' one book to take to a desert island with me; this would be it.

It really is all that the human condition needs, to heal and nurture heart s and souls; to let go of lifetimes of pain and heart-ache; to release from the fears of the ego... to be free; to be centred; to be in peace; to be in love; to be, and to have the confidence to be...

This is so much more than a book; it is a miracle.

The first time I read it, I said 'Is that it?' Hearing my disappointment my daughter picked it up, read it, and said 'Read it again!' So I did, and did, and did.... day after day, after day; for weeks and months. Each day would begin with me reading this little book, from cover to cover, with no anticipation or expectation.. I somehow knew that the message of the book could only be received by reading and assimilating it as a whole. Several people I unashamedly 'thrust' it upon, would respond by saying which page they liked. I felt sure I just had to meet the essence of this book by absorbing it into my being, by reading it in its' completeness. As if meeting it thus, was as if meeting it in trust; that it would aid my sense of completeness.

What happened, was for me, a slow and gentle miracle. I had felt almost destroyed by a nervous-breakdown. At its worst, I had felt pain in my solar plexus as if impaled on a telegraph pole. Though 'coping' by the time I began reading 'The Song of Mother Divine', I felt that emotional and mental pain might be a constant feature.

I can only draw a metaphor between what I felt happening to me; and the wonder of seeing the first buds of Spring, after Winter. I felt as if I was slowly'coming alive' on the inside! As if both Spring and sunshine were present in my solar plexus.

I continued to present myself to this little book daily, to 'be' present with this little book; to be open to its pure and powerful message. Its wonder rippled through me; healing and releasing hurt; leaving calm and tranquility in its wake.

As time went on, this was most beautifully enhanced by a sense of joy, and the peace of pure love. And as long as I keep my channels of communication with Sue Saraswati's miraculous book open; the calm and joy and love fill my heart and solar plexus.

One morning, on reading it, I jumped up and ran to my husband to ask him what colour the text was on one of the pages. For me, the colour had changed and both text and image were vibrant and almost 3-D.

I had changed. I had become vibrant and alive, and I suppose that the healing of this book had transformed me from the wounded 2-D person that I had both felt and appeared, to a holistically-healed, 3-D person; who felt great joy to be alive..

I feel an immense sense of love and peace, which I intend to 'feed back' into the Universe.

And for Sue Saraswati and her artist-daughter Amy Merry, I feel a profound gratitude and love.

Never before has 'thank you' felt so inadequate. Sue and Amy, I send you my heart-felt thanks.

And for anyone out there feeling the distress of current or past heart-break; I urge you to read 'The Song of Mother Divine', and then read it again.

This has to be the book the world needs in preparation for 2012.

Sue Saraswati is a prophet in our time:

'Om. Shanti. Peace.'
With love, Sue Clempson.

Saturday, November 07, 2009


Sacred Mother Divine Geometry

Last night I hosted a gathering of the Kingston Peace Experience Group. We meet on an irregular basis and usually at my house. There is quite a large group of us but we are never all able to meet at the same time. Consequently the groups are always a manageable size and a different mix of people each time.
The Kingston Peace Experience Group links with the Global Peace Experience Group. The difference being that the Kingston group meet with me in person, the global group join us remotely.
Something quite extraordinary happened last night that I want to share with you. For once I was quite organised and gave myself lots of time to prepare for the arrival of the group. We were to meet at 7.30 pm and were due to begin a 30 minute meditation at 7.45 pm when we would be joined by the global group. So I began to prepare the space that we use in my house. When I started to put out the candles I suddenly had the thought to put a copy of the Emissary Wheel in the middle of the floor. When I went to fetch one I remembered that I actually had a very large copy that I hadn’t used for ages. So I dropped this in position on the floor and carried on setting up. However I sensed a change in the energy of the room. I looked at the Wheel – which was curling up – and remembered that I had some enlarged images from my book ‘The Song of Mother Divine’. The images are mounted on board, I used them when I had an exhibition stand and then put them in a very large plastic bag and totally forgot about them. So off I went and fetched the pictures. I began placing them around the room. As I did so there was a huge increase in energy and I was aware that I was moving out of my mind space and into my heart space. It was only about 5.00pm and I had yet to eat anything. I began to wonder what kind of place I was going to be in by the time everyone arrived.
I staggered through my remaining chores, managed to cook and eat something, and even dealt coherently with a couple of phone calls – at least I think I did, the people I spoke to might have a different story. I also tried to alert the remote group to what was happening via email, suggesting they might want to include some sacred geometry in their meditations. About 6.45 I sat in the meeting space to complete a meditation process that I had been following with my teacher Sri Kaleshwar ( Wow the energy was high. I started to get some odd physical symptoms. Now I began to wonder if I was in fact feeling odd because I was ill – no I didn’t really think so. I decided that I would encourage people to come in quietly and sit in the energy while we waited for everyone to arrive, instead of chatting and drinking tea etc. When the first couple of people arrived I needed to ask them how they felt the energy was and they too felt it to be very powerful.
At last the whole group were together and we had a 30-minute meditation as arranged with the global group. We had quite an exceptional evening. It was difficult to speak, so we did very little of that. I played the Native American flute and we meditated with that, it spoke to us very beautifully. It is impossible to put into words why the evening was so exceptional; I have rarely encountered energy like that before. To explain it with the mind is not possible, it is of the soul and only the soul can understand it.
The images from ‘The Song of Mother Divine’ are so, so powerful. I remember now that the energy on my exhibition stand was also very high. Even though I am responsible for getting this book out into the world I do not think I really have any idea at all of how powerful it is and what that means. What is that energy? To me it feels like the energy of creation, the creative, love energy of the Mother.
I am going away now for 2 weeks to our house in Greece. I will take that time to reflect on this experience and to ask myself if I am doing enough to give you the opportunity to experience this energy.
Many blessings. Be with the love of the Mother.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Getting Out of Our Own Way

The only reason we are unable to connect with the joy that is our natural condition is that our blocks and attachments hinder us. They are like old socks stuck in the pipeline of peace. They obstruct our ability to perceive the flow of unconditional love that is really all that is.

The old energy patterns that no longer serve us - our mind-sets and emotional patterns.
We may have originally unconsciously created most of these during childhood as a way of being safe in an unpredictable, terrifying world. In this way we created our personal map of reality and know that we stay safe so long as we stay within this map. Even incredible suffering is preferable to stepping outside our map. In fact because we believe that the map is also the territory we become unable to step out of it, even when we really want to. This is why it is sometimes possible to attend every workshop, read every book and see every possible therapist but always remain with the same major blocks.
We can also make the mistake of expecting that the mind can resolve this situation and even feeling that we have failed when this proves to be not possible. The mind is much more likely to hinder than help us. Our blocks were not created by the mind and we cannot change them with the mind. Transformation does not occur at the cerebral level, it occurs at the level of consciousness.
Some typical blocks are unworthiness, doubts, lack of clarity, lack of trust, temptations, expectations, guilt, heartbreak, fear, depression, addictions

The world around us is in fact an illusion created by our minds. Each different mind creates a slightly (sometimes vastly) different world. Who is to judge which world is the ‘real’ one?

“The mind produces a powerful illusion, that of existing in this body which we consider to be our own.” Kalu Rinpoche

Your body, that you can touch and feel and which appears to be quite solid is actually mainly empty space. This is because the atom is mainly empty space and the body is made of atoms. In fact if you were to somehow remove all the empty space from the body, although it would still weigh the same it would be no bigger than a grain of salt. So science says it too. We’re basically an illusion. And so is everything else that we can perceive with our senses.

We form attachments to these illusions and fear their loss and mourn their passing. Our attachments can be to physical objects or to outcomes. The truth is that we own nothing. We came into this world with nothing and we will leave it with nothing. Anything in between is only ever temporary. The one constant is unconditional love, the creative energy that drives all things.

The only true love is unconditional love, any other love is really fear of loss. Worrying about someone is not the same as loving them.

Again we feel at a deep level that our attachments keep us safe, which is why we fear their loss. We can also find ourselves looking to the material world for fulfilment, sometimes driving ourselves harder and harder to find it. But like the end of the rainbow, the faster we move towards such expected fulfilment, the faster it retreats from us.

This is the human condition and first we have to recognise and accept that. We are here to experience the human condition, we are here for the ride first and the destination second. And what an adventure it is. But like any adventure it is sometimes fun and sometimes difficult and painful. So why not aim to make it mostly fun? Why not enjoy the ride? It’s going to happen anyway so it might as well be as pleasant as possible.

How to release the old patterns that no longer serve us? I have found different ways to do this:
· Meditation is essential and particularly powerful when practised with a group.
· There is also an accelerated meditation system called the Holosync Solution available, at a price, from
· The Metamorphic Technique is a very, pleasant and relaxing method that facilitates transformation.
· Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is another, very effective way of shifting the patterns that no longer serve us. This system can be spectacularly quick acting with even very distressing patterns such as phobias, fears and addictions. One advantage of this system is that most people see immediate results. It is a system that is used by a practitioner with a client but is also intended for the client to learn and use in their daily lives.
· Sai Shakti Healing (more below)

Energy Balancing & Unconditional Love
We ( I am working with Stephne Monaghan) are currently working on a healing protocol that uses EFT combined with meditation and Sai Shakti Healing. This is a healing technique from ancient, palm leaf manuscripts as taught today by the Indian Swami, Sri Sai Kaleshwar.
Such ancient techniques are primarily aimed at healing heartbreak, offering protection from negative energy and increasing soul power.
Imagine a healing experience that gives you the tools you need to remove the energy imbalances that cause painful emotional and physical symptoms from your life – the socks in your pipeline of peace. Imagine an experience where someone helps you to do this and provides a healing environment where transformation can safely occur. We have found that using meditation, EFT and Sai Shakti healing together seems to cause acceleration in the process of releasing old patterns. As the blocks start to dissolve the powerful healing energy of unconditional love, facilitated by the healer, can be felt immediately and very powerfully. All this facilitates a shift in consciousness.
Those who actively seek the spiritual path or the path of self-development will understand the difficulties involved in both identifying and then releasing blocks and attachments. Talking the talk is easy, but walking the walk is much, much harder. We are working with this system because we are finding that it really helps us and also helps us very quickly. I have been astonished by how rapidly and how easily I have identified and then shed some of my old patterns.

Our aim is to continue to develop this work by being as open and receptive as possible. We want to continue to explore and adapt our work as our own consciousness shifts. Although we aim to accept each session as a fresh experience we work within a safe and supportive structure: tried and tested energy balancing techniques encompassed by unconditional love. This is very much work in progress.
Eventually we will also offer to check and improve the energy of your home using the science of Vaastu (Feng Shui was adapted from Vaastu). Also we will look at your diet and advise you on how to eat optimally for spiritual and physical health.
At least these are the things we have planned at the moment. However the very nature of this way of working is to only expect the unexpected. So things will probably evolve in a way that we have not thought of!

If you are still interested in working with us then please let me know. At the moment we are working quite slowly with a very small number of people. Once we feel ready to offer our work to you we will contact you. You will need to be able to come to Kingston or Richmond every 2 weeks or so for 2-3 months.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Be The Change: Connecting Glastonbury Tor & Miamisburg Mound. May 17th 2009

You must be the change you want to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

Glastonbury Tor & Miamisburg Mound

Early in 2008 Tammie Stair told me that while she was at Miamisburg Mound she had had a vision of the tower on the top of Glastonbury Tor. She feels they are sister mounds. We decided that it might be a really great experience if we worked with groups in the UK and USA to connect the two sites energetically. It took a while for the time to be right be finally we got it together at the weekend.

I was with a group from the Beloved Community, led by James Twyman (who were on retreat in Glastonbury at the time) and Tammie was with her group in Ohio. Tammie and I spoke on the phone before hand and decided on what we would do on the day. The plan was to be on top of our respective sites at 15.30 hrs UK time which is 10.30 hrs for Tammie. Both of us would begin by connecting with the elements and the Divine in our own ways.

We would then read The Song of Mother Divine and follow this up with a 20 minute silent meditation. Tammie planned to finish by playing a recording of Jame's Twyman's song "Be The Change". Jimmy agreed to sing it live for our group. Well that was the plan...... but as I said at the time: if you want to make god laugh, tell her your plans!

Jimmy organised it so that the group would first visit the Chalice Well at Glastonbury and then would carry on to the Tor to be at the top and ready to go for 3.30pm. The weather was grey, chilly, wet and windy. I had been up to the Tor the day before and knew that whatever the weather in the town, you need to multiply it by a factor of 10 to know what it will be like at the top of the Tor. It can be wild up there. So I was wondering how we were going to deal with whatever nature was planning to throw at us.

Jimmy led us off to the Tor a little early I thought, it was only around 2.00pm. But I supposed he had some plan in mind and anyway he was way ahead of me, up at the front of the group. So I plodded along at the back chatting to Beloved Craig who I hadn't seen for ages and who had joined us just for this peace connection.
By the time I got to the top of the Tor it was around 2.35pm and the wind was whipping and howling around us. It was difficult to keep on your feet and made worse by the ridiculously large amount of cow-dung underfoot. Where had all that come from? .... Well, yes I know where ... but what I mean is, it was as if every cow in the West Country had recently been up there with some sort of bovine coach-party. One of the Beloveds went flying and had to be helped back to her feet and the rest of us were clinging to each other in order to avoid the same fate. I was really wondering how we could hang on until 3.30 and then some. Then Jimmy looked at me expectantly and asked me what I wanted to do? Errr..... OK. What exactly ....? Err .... ? I thought he had something up his sleeve for the next 50 minutes ... So it transpired that Jimmy was one hour ahead of the rest of us. In other words he thought we were late, that it was 3.40. Oh dear. "Why didn't someone tell me?" He asked. "Well we all thought you had a plan Jimmy..."

I'd just like to point out that this photograph was taken by me in gale-force winds and at great personal risk. The group are standing in the only sheltered spot at the top of the Tor.
So what to do now? It was perfectly obvious that 25 + people could not stand huddled together in that same spot for another hour or so. Jimmy decided to make our part of the connection right then and spontanously spoke about that, acknowledging all the groups and individuals that would be joining us as well as Tammie's group. He gave us a quick acapella rendition of "Be The Change" and asked everyone to keep their hearts open for the connection and to be aware, wherever they were at 3.30pm. Then a very bedraggled group began to disperse back down the Tor. It was now around 2.55pm.

See, we really were there, all of us... and one other person.
I thought perhaps I might return to Abbey House, where the Beloveds were on retreat and where they had built a beautiful Emissary Wheel. I thought I might sit around the wheel at 3.30pm (in the warm and dry!) and visualise us on top of the Tor and perform the ceremony Tammie and I had agreed upon. However I had not reckoned on the tenacity of some of the Beloveds! They would not hear of such a sissy old cop-out. At the top they were and at the top they would stay until the agreed time and weather do your worst - which, obligingly it did.
So in the end 10 of us stayed, complete stars all. After a brief excursion to see the egg stone on the side of the Tor we battled through heavy, horizontal rain, back to the tower to wait for exactly 3.30. By now I was soaked to the skin and we were huddling together like moorland sheep. It was really too wet to take out my camera but I managed to get a quick snap of Beloved Ingrid, as she was snapping us: how those umbrellas were staying up I cannot fathom

Finally it was about 3.29 and the rain was stopping. Across the Somerset levels we could see bright weather, sun even, as the cloud retreated. Beloved John held a brolly over me and two others held onto a copy of the Emissary Wheel (laminated fortunately) that I had in my bag. We huddled together and I began with some opening mantras. I then managed to hold a copy of the book The Song of Mother Divine in my freezing hands and I began to read. Quite spontaneously, and very beautifully, the Beloveds began to join in so that each time I read a statement they chipped in with "I am loved" and then they repeated closing statements after me. It really was beyond beautiful, I can't really find the words ...

We stood for a while in silent meditation, the energy was incredibly powerful, Beloved Craig later described how he had a joyful, humming feeling in his heart chakra. Despite the cold and the wind I could have stood there for ages. Then John's umbrella blew inside out and he sort of flew backwards which seemed to bring our meditation to a natural conclusion! I chanted some closing prayers and then other Beloveds chipped in with various prayers. We had the Lord's prayer in Aramaic (which is completely different from the Lord's Prayer we are all familiar with) we also had the Peace Prayers and a beautiful prayer led by Craig. I stood with my hand over my heart basking in the beautiful energy. It's amazing that it was so powerful given the battle we were having with the wind.

You've heard of the expression "Warriors of the Light"? Well this is the Marine Corps. These guys are tough!
We descended the Tor via the rear path. The sun was now shining and the wind dropping. Soon we were out of the wind entirely. Beloved Ella called to me to stop. We all stood and basked in the extraordinary feeling of peace that now surrounded us - it really was special. It felt to me as if something had descended upon us. The fields around us were vibrant green and the buttercups were ridiculously yellow, like a Van Gough painting. For the first time we could hear birds singing, it was as if we had stepped into the Garden of Eden itself.

Tammie's group were in place on time. It was windy but sunny... how nice for them ;0)
They did have their own challenges but I'll leave Tammie to tell that story herself.
I spoke with Tammie on the phone on Tuesday and she told me that the connection was the most powerful experience of her life. One of her group - a very experienced lightworker - said that it was the purest Divine Feminine energy she had ever experienced, including Machu Picchu. So I have decided simply to post below all the feedback that I received from Tammie:

" WOW !!! The experiences from this connection have exceeded my wildest expectations. As we called in the directions and the Elements you could strongly feel the presence of energies being invited to join our circle. This was the third time that I have been led to read Mother Divine at this sacred site. The words seem to resonate with the vibration of the mound .Much has happened on the Miamisburg land ,especially to our Native American brothers and sisters.The mound carries the resonance of the Divine Feminine, nurturing Love. Through all that has transpired there, it is Love. Then we meditated and imagined merging the mounds, just feeling the connection with the Beloved community to be the change, that we want to see in the world.

I`ll share my personal experience of Peace with You. Right away I saw the grid ley lines lighting up as one sacred portal led to another and they branched out until the grid was golden.Then I grounded into the core of the earth and intended for my roots to travel to the Tor.It looked like I was in a kaliedescope of colors with elementals of many types zipping all around and some of the trees were ornate with golden entrances .It was like a celebration was going on....At one point I was sitting on a white horse looking out over the mist at the merging of the hillsides.The two became one so naturally and effortlessly.I saw three aspects of myself that no longer serve me climb aboard a small ship and sail away into the ethers. I feel like I had a nice healing and opening up of the throat chakra.We closed by holding hands and joining hearts and taking in the song "Be The Change" by James Twyman .I am Grateful and humbled by this experience......Love," Tammie

"I was privileged to be a part of the Peace Connection Experience on Sunday, May 17, 2009, to connect the sacred mound at Miamisburg, Ohio to Glastonbury Tor in UK. As part of my meditation, I asked spirit to give me a message about the meaning of these beautiful mounds and here is the answer that I got:

The mounds were constructed to focus energy in certain places on earth; to connect the grids of energy to each other so a communication could be established on the inner planes. There is an electromagnetic frequency specific to each earth mound that identifies its location and its specific purpose. Each mound has its own resonance and as they connect one to another a magnificent symphony of tones is produced through which that, if one is attuned to receive these tones, messages are transmitted; information from the higher realms is readily available if one is able to attune to the specific frequency. Humans are evolving to the point of being able to discern what messages are being transmitted. This higher frequency can only be received through specific attunement given only to those who are living through love."

Respectfully, Claire Kramer, Florence, KY

"The meditation with Tor and Miamisburg’s Mound I saw an infinite amount of fairies and daisies. As I connected with the 2 mounds I felt myself spinning out into space above the earth connecting with the planet and her energy. All day long I felt the strong connected energy and even lay awake that night pulsating with streaming energy.
I felt a healing and shift with my digestive system and my throat charka and sensed a downloading of healing information on the mound. I also saw Merlin on the steps of the tower. Light and Love," Helen

"Thank you for inviting me to experience the wonderful mound merging energies.That was an experience i won't soon forget.the peace and tranquility, the comfort and blessings I felt were phenomenal.Knowing Kwan Yin was there, feeling her presence... the smell of fresh flowers...I've been riding that wave for a coupla days!!Thanx again, Tammie... and to ALL who were present with us!! " Beve

"I had a great sense of peace while meditating at the mound I envisioned stone steps going up a rown stone tower..just peace, warm comforting peace"
Deb H.

Thanks to everyone who joined in!
Many blessings

Friday, January 02, 2009


My Trip to Elaiohori November to December 2008

Here are some of the highlights (and lowlights!) from my recent trip to Greece when I was there from 10th November to 12th December.
Part One
Monday 10th Nov 2008
12.00 Arrived at Athens airport. Took bus from right outside to bus station. At bus station got coach to Mani via Kalamata.
I was very worried about this journey as I suffer from motion sickness sometimes so I was concerned to get a seat at the front of the coach. Although I felt extremely claustrophobic at first – listening to a very amusing podcast helped here – I was actually fine, even over the mountains. The trip turned out to be very easy and extremely cheap.
19.30 Arrived Stoupa, Mani. Dragged my (VERY heavy) cases – full of decorating equipment – along the sea front to the only open bar. There I met with our friends Sophie and Richard. It was a warm, one might even say, balmy, evening. Sophie and Richard took me up to Elaiohori, leaving me at Katharina’s house – the house I had rented for the month.

Tuesday 11th Nov
In the daylight took a look around our house, Villa Stepeni. Interested to discover that of the list of completed jobs we had been given only one had actually been completed, plus one was just being started.
Removed the protective cover from the car and was very pleased to find that the car started very easily, I had been worried that the battery might be flat. Took a very deep breath, checked over all my documents for the one-hundredth time and drove to the local police station in Kardymyli. I needed to get a resident’s permit in order to be able to complete the paperwork needed for us to legally become the owners of our car. On our last trip we bought a lovely little Kia Picanto from the car hire company we were using but had been unable to transfer the registration documents into our names because we needed a resident’s permit to do this. The only place to get such a permit is the local police station. The policeman who does this (there is only one) was not interested in doing it for us on our last trip. So now I needed to find a different approach. I checked my documents again (3 copies of passport, actual passport, five passport-sized photographs) I rehearsed what I would say: “Please can you help me …” I practiced crawling on my hands and knees and various positions of supplication. I’m pleased to say it all worked. He took all the information he needed and told me to come back on Thursday at 10.00am. RESULT! Well, actually. I didn’t allow myself to celebrate on account of the fact that there could still easily be some sort of difficulty. Greek bureaucracy is awesome. Even the simplest thing seems to require a sheaf of paper the size of a telephone book, every page signed and stamped (most important that it is stamped) plus information about your parents and 100 copies of your passport. Unbelievable.
From here I drove to Kalamata (about 40 mins away) and went to the two cathedrals of DIY: Practiker and Idea (known locally as “No Idea”). Here I bought all the decorating equipment and paint I needed to get started.

Wednesday 12th Nov
Started to actually work on our house. I began the enormous task of sanding the walls of the upstairs room. Dirty, heavy and unpleasant work. I began to realise how big the room is. Later our Greek neighbour Eleni appeared to ask me to come over for some food. I finished sweeping up the dust and then spent an hour sitting and eating with Eleni and Grigory – the former horrified that I was still not eating meat. How could I possibly be eating properly? Also she had prepared a rice dish with integral chicken and had had to hurriedly remove the chicken from my portion. This left me with the challenge of eating rice with chicken juice, hmm. But they are very kind, generous people and it was a joy to see them. I was having some trouble with the language though. I was a bit out of practice, especially as I have not been able to afford to attend the Greek evening class here in the UK. I found that I was having great trouble in getting any words out of my mouth at all. I confess this was a little discouraging, as I have been learning this language for a very long time.
Arranged to take Eleni and Grigory to the olive oil factory (owned by my friends Fritz and Burgi ) the next morning on my way to the police station to pick up my resident’s permit.

All this time I was trying to get in touch with Leta. Ah dear sweet Leta. How that name resonates for me. She was the lady who would enable the transfer of the registration document from Auto Union to me. I confess to being uneasy that we had handed over our money but were not the legal owners of our car. So it was not a good experience to be unable to raise Leta on the telephone for a couple of days. I managed it eventually. I don’t think I can bear to record the weird odyssey she led me on for the rest of my stay – and still going on the last that I heard. A job that, even in Greece is fairly simple, became the most complicated and drawn out process you can ever imagine. Have no dealings with this lady. She is very nice and sweet but the lights are on and no body is in. Leta, Auto Union Office, Pylos, Messinia, avoid.

Coming Soon in Part Two:
Martin Ate My Car!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Latest Trip to Greece
I will be recording my adventures soon. In the meantime take a look at the latest pictures taken by me on Dec 9th 2008.
More soon!!
Happy New Year everyone. xx

Monday, August 11, 2008


Greek House Latest

We've just returned from Greece. The house is looking good. At the moment the electrician is busily rewiring. Already the property is unrecognisable from the house we purchased 2 years ago. We are hoping to be able to offer it for rental next year and perhaps even invite a group out in the autumn of 2009. We have decided that rental will be available to people we know or people they have recommended only.

See the latest pictures here:

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