Tuesday, July 04, 2006


The Path to Peace Experience

Something very exciting is happening. People all over the world are joining together at the same time in meditation and are receiving healing energy. There is no ideology, dogma, or religion involved and everyone has his or her own unique adventure. Some people report very little, others have life-changing experiences. Most experience a beautiful feeling of peace. Whoever you are, wherever you are, you can join in too without even leaving your own home. So what is this phenomenon and how did it start?
The Great Peace Experiment
On Christmas morning 2005 I discovered that my father had been taken into hospital. My sister Dot visited him the next day and called me to say that he was agitated, uncomfortable and plagued by his demons. We decided that we would choose a time each day when we would both meditate at our separate locations and set the intent to lead him out of darkness. This turned out to be a very, very powerful experience and certainly our father’s state changed. By the time I was able to make the journey to visit him a few days after Christmas he was peaceful, happy and very affectionate towards me. We continued to work with him until his transition from the physical plane a few days later. I found the whole experience very beautiful and uplifting. Dot and I realised that our working together in this way had been very powerful and had also connected us with our father in way that finally laid to rest all the many issues of our, somewhat dysfunctional, family!

A few days later it came to me that perhaps it might be possible to extend the work I did with my sister to anyone who was open to receive it. I also wondered if it would be possible to do this with a group of people. I was so strongly seized by this idea that I immediately sat at my computer and composed an email. I asked if anyone would like to join in “The Great Peace Experiment” – never one to under-sell you notice! I suggested that it would work like this:
During the meditations I would be focusing on the whole list of names every time and working in a similar way to the way I had worked with my father. I would be using visualisations to extend healing and lead everyone with me into a place of light. I asked that participants also take note of how they felt during and after any meditation slots in which they did not consciously participate. Bearing in mind time zone differences, it seemed likely that some meditations would inevitably be in the middle of the night or at very inconvenient times. Would participants be affected even if they were not intentionally tuning in?

I sent the email to a handful of contacts and immediately felt a bit silly. Who would take this seriously? It sounded crazy. “I will lead you into the light”. What was I thinking? In less that 24 hours I had, had around 100 very, positive replies from all over the world. I knew perhaps ten of these people. I now switched into a slight panic-mode. How could I cope with all these responses? Many of the responses were from people who seemed to have almost been waiting for this experiment to happen. The enthusiasm was extraordinary. What had I started? But most of all I wondered how I was going to deliver what I was suggesting. I kept reminding myself that this was just an experiment and it was entirely possible that nothing at all would happen.

When my friend the healer, Stephen Lewis, heard about what I was planning to do he suggested that he would help me. So we decided that we would consciously connect with each other wherever we were during each meditation. We also decided to actually meet up and meditate together for one of the slots. Stephen and I have a special soul-connection and when we work together it is very powerful. Perhaps it is a balance of female/masculine energy. We had never worked remotely in this way together and we wondered what would happen.

By the time the first round was ready to roll I had a list of over 200 names. It was really very exciting. But would anything happen or would the whole thing fizzle out like a damp squib? The meditations began and I found them very powerful, I was buzzing with energy and having some very interesting adventures! Even though I asked everyone to wait until after the final meditation before sending me any feedback it was no time at all before the feedback started to pour in. The fact was that some people were having such powerful experiences they simply couldn’t wait until the end of the experiment before telling me about them! Much of the feedback is now on my website: http://www.peaceworkshops.com/ but here are just a few edited examples:

“I have been feeling fantastic over the past week. Whether this is a coincidence or not we will never know but my life seems to have moved in bounds and leaps. All the things that I have been working with manifesting over the past three months, happened this week. I feel absolute gratitude for my life and everything in it.”


“I first experienced a rush of energy, and it felt as if my body was swaying
from side to side. Felt very warm, tingly all over, very grounded and also
as if someone was holding my ankles in a steadying manner. Felt a huge wave
of sadness, but a nice kind of sadness if that makes any sense. Felt some
kind of release. Heard the words " I am coming home, I am home". Saw
colours, like looking through a kaleidoscope (pink and black, and deep


“L had been off all week with nasty flu like bug, she was still tired
and very grouchy and tearful, not as unwell but definitely not right.

We settled down and she went very deep, at the end she had a better
colour, bright eyes was smiling and very happy - a different child. It
was an amazing change.”



* Expansion of energy in my body.
* Breathing more fully.
* Felt grounded and clear.
* I felt more present and awake.
* Some heart palpitations and pain.
* Twitching in the left eye.
* Congest and density breaking up
* After the 1st time slot I would start feeling the energy before the actual allotted time
* Heat flush in body.
Feeling the energy in the joints.
*The energy is moving through my body in waves...And it started all over again in waves! One after the other!
* My body feels like a balloon being blown up!
* Energy is now balancing in the body. Wow!
(Note from Sue: There now follows a very detailed account of each meditation. This person had some extraordinary experiences!)
Note: I seems to me that the past couple of days did a lot of energy clearing and the last day the energy moved smoothly in the body... moved in waves of energy.

Thank you!!!! Loved being part of this! Let me know how things turn out! I have a feeling that this is and will affect my outer world as well as the world in general. This is Huge!”


The Experiment Evolves
Once Stephen and I had digested the feedback from the first round of the experiment we embarked upon two more rounds over a period of a couple of months. We tried making various changes and refinements to see what would happen.

Despite all our plans, round two of the experiment immediately took on a life of it’s own. I can’t remember now what we had originally planned to do, but as soon as the meditations began I was given the very clear message to forget all of that – whatever it was - and to ask everyone to focus on the Divine Feminine. I had some very “way out there” experiences during this round! I was taken back to some of the experiences I had in Egypt during the previous October (see my blog archives for full details) and I found myself standing on top of the Great Pyramid at Giza looking at the Christ Consciousness Grid which was above and around me, extending of course around the whole planet. I saw it transform, due to the energy of the whole group, from a bright translucent blue into a bright, slivery, rose colour. I told you these experiences were “out there”! Even wilder was the fact that at least three other people fed back to me with similar experiences. Something very big happened during this round and I don’t even pretend to understand what it was!

“I know we are only supposed to give you feedback at the end of the sessions,
but had to share this with you. This has been like an answer to my mixed
thoughts and feelings over the last couple of days. I have been focusing
on the divine feminine for the last couple of days now. This has been an
extremely strong calling for me. I have predominantly been masculine focused
on a personal level. I have had a constant battle within myself as to
direction and focus and have been pulled from side to side for quite a
while. I have been conditioned to be self sufficient and strong from a child
and to show the feminine side of emotions has been to a large extent taboo,
so this has always played second fiddle in my life and lately the constant
battle between the two has taken up a lot of energy leaving me rather
drained. So this is really like an answer to prayers.

The other wonderful thing is I am also seeing pink for the heart chakra
instead of green, thought I was getting this wrong somewhere. Have also
been drawn strongly to the rose quartz.

Yesterday at 10:00am (your time 8:00) I saw approx 230/250 people standing
around the world radiating pink light into the world from their heart
chakras. We were all also surrounded by Angels who were also radiating
pink into the world. I found that one of the most powerful meditations that
I have done so far.

Have a wonderful day and I am honoured to be able to participate in this
Peace experiment as have always believed that this is something that should
be done. Thank you for providing the ways and means to do this. You are
really special.”

Stephen’s experiences during these meditations were all fairly similar. During meditation he usually goes off somewhere and has no idea where he is or what is happening. I used to accuse him of simply going off to sleep! However, having worked with him for some time now, I have to reluctantly concede that this is indeed something other than sleep. As I mentioned above I was more aware of what was happening and feeling huge amounts of energy surging through my body. From my experiences and from some of the feedback we got it became apparent that something was working through the whole group as well as through Stephen and myself. In other words we were at times working on a different level of consciousness as a group.

For the most part this was a very pleasant experience. However I was beginning to get depleted. I was also working very hard at this time and dealing with some difficulties with my husband and children. In March this year I finally fell ill with some sort of flu – it was the only way my body knew to make me stop. This coincided with the third round of the experiment. The third round was very difficult for me and sometimes quite uncomfortable. I felt drained and I realize now that these subsequent meditations drained me further. Although the flu passed through my body very quickly and with no complications I was left feeling drained and exhausted. One moment I was fine the next all I could do was lie down. If anything at all stressful happened I was entirely unable to cope and had to lie down. My family and friends started to get very worried about me, I looked awful! I began to understand what was happening although initially I was reluctant to accept it.

The Balance of Positive and Negative
Over past two or three years I have been on a spiritual intensive. I have often described it as being like stepping on a moving walkway and suddenly being whisked along at a fair old pace! At the beginning of 2004 I signed up for the Seminary Programme with James Twyman and the Beloved Community http://www.emissaryoflight.com/ and I have subsequently been ordained as a Peace Minister. Taking part in the programme caused my work to change as I discovered myself as a healer and this led on eventually to The Path to Peace http://www.peaceworkshops.com/ and then the Peace Experiment.

Throughout all of this I held on firmly to the idea that there is only positive energy, there is only light. My argument was that light is an actual force and darkness is simply the absence of light not a force in itself. Once I discovered healing energy was coming through me I wanted to experiment and work with it myself. I did not want to follow any system that might influence my experience. At one point I was strongly advised by someone to protect myself or I would become drained and I tried it for a while but ultimately decided that it wasn’t necessary. Well that’s me folks. I will not be told what to do, I’ll listen, sure I will. But will I take advice? Oh no. I always have to find out for myself.

I was opening up during the group meditations and during healing sessions and channelling very powerful energies. I was also opening myself to negative energies. I finally had to admit this, I could feel it happening and I knew this was why I was feeling so weirdly ill. During a session when someone was channelling healing my way I went to a very deep place and understood that negative energy is not “bad”, this is a very Western way of seeing it. The negative is simply a balancing force and needs to be understood and worked with safely. If you are going to channel very powerful positive energies you will also have to deal with an equal and balancing amount of negative energies. It is only logical really. Like an electric circuit, there is a positive charge and a negative charge. This is what creates flow.

Since the Autumn of 2005 I have been following the teachings of a young, dynamic Indian Swami called Sri Kaleshwar (http://www.kaleshwar.org/ ) It is his mission to bring the secret, ancient teachings of the Indian Swamis to the whole world. He wants to train healers and teachers to go out and use this knowledge to benefit others. He teaches certain processes including using mantras to open our energy channels to the power of the five elements. I am following this system and finding it amazingly powerful. So it was to Kaleshwar that I turned for help. Here is a man who probably understands as much about how energies work as anyone else alive today. He has helped me way beyond my best possible expectations. At the time of writing this I am involved in the first part of a three-part process. This part concludes on the 8th August 2006. At the time of writing this (July 2006) I am allowed to use this mantra, part of my current process, as a healing technique for others. The benefits include protection from negative energies, lifting of depression and heartache and re-igniting the creative “spark”. So what will happen if I add this into the Peace Experiment? I will continue to experiment with this new element over the next few rounds of meditation. Would you like to join in?

Would You Like To Take Part?
If you want to join in with the meditations you can usually find the dates and times on my website. However I don’t always get around to posting them or to adding updates, such as suggestions for a particular focus or last minute changes. To keep up to date and to ensure that your name is always focused on you simply need to tell me that you wish to join in. You can do this by sending an email to sue@peaceworkshops.com It is helpful if you can use the subject header “Subscribe to Peace Experience”. Include your full name and the names of any others who wish to take part. I will then put any names on my focus list where they will remain until you ask me to remove them. I will also add your email address to my mailing list and send you any updated information particularly notifications of forth-coming meditations. There is no charge involved and your details are confidential. If I wish to share any of your comments/feedback with others I will first ask your permission. Full information and current feedback can be found on my website: http://www.peaceworkshops.com/

So join us and increase the power of a group of Light-adventurers joining together on their individual paths to peace. Who knows what will happen!

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