Friday, February 19, 2010


A Beautiful Testimonial

The testimonial below was sent to me recently by Sue Clempson. She is currently planning a workshop programme around The Song of Mother Divine. In her email to me she says:
".....I've been further inspired by the miracle of your book. I've actually planned a workshop that links completely with the text and images of it (probably on the back of an envelope, somewhere!!). The positive impact of your book is what I'm wanting to pass on; like a member of a relay team! So I find myself preparing to offer a few workshops, on the theme of 'healing the holes of hurt'.
And I'm about to place a job-lot order of your book, for a most special 'circle' time within my workshops.
Sue, thank you so much,
I hope the testimonial I've attached is of some use to you.

With love, Sue Clempson.
The Song of Mother Divine
Sue Saraswati

I feel compelled to offer a humble, yet heart-felt recommendation for this unbelievable book. It certainly reinforces the'less is more adage'.

Were I ever to be in the position to 'choose' one book to take to a desert island with me; this would be it.

It really is all that the human condition needs, to heal and nurture heart s and souls; to let go of lifetimes of pain and heart-ache; to release from the fears of the ego... to be free; to be centred; to be in peace; to be in love; to be, and to have the confidence to be...

This is so much more than a book; it is a miracle.

The first time I read it, I said 'Is that it?' Hearing my disappointment my daughter picked it up, read it, and said 'Read it again!' So I did, and did, and did.... day after day, after day; for weeks and months. Each day would begin with me reading this little book, from cover to cover, with no anticipation or expectation.. I somehow knew that the message of the book could only be received by reading and assimilating it as a whole. Several people I unashamedly 'thrust' it upon, would respond by saying which page they liked. I felt sure I just had to meet the essence of this book by absorbing it into my being, by reading it in its' completeness. As if meeting it thus, was as if meeting it in trust; that it would aid my sense of completeness.

What happened, was for me, a slow and gentle miracle. I had felt almost destroyed by a nervous-breakdown. At its worst, I had felt pain in my solar plexus as if impaled on a telegraph pole. Though 'coping' by the time I began reading 'The Song of Mother Divine', I felt that emotional and mental pain might be a constant feature.

I can only draw a metaphor between what I felt happening to me; and the wonder of seeing the first buds of Spring, after Winter. I felt as if I was slowly'coming alive' on the inside! As if both Spring and sunshine were present in my solar plexus.

I continued to present myself to this little book daily, to 'be' present with this little book; to be open to its pure and powerful message. Its wonder rippled through me; healing and releasing hurt; leaving calm and tranquility in its wake.

As time went on, this was most beautifully enhanced by a sense of joy, and the peace of pure love. And as long as I keep my channels of communication with Sue Saraswati's miraculous book open; the calm and joy and love fill my heart and solar plexus.

One morning, on reading it, I jumped up and ran to my husband to ask him what colour the text was on one of the pages. For me, the colour had changed and both text and image were vibrant and almost 3-D.

I had changed. I had become vibrant and alive, and I suppose that the healing of this book had transformed me from the wounded 2-D person that I had both felt and appeared, to a holistically-healed, 3-D person; who felt great joy to be alive..

I feel an immense sense of love and peace, which I intend to 'feed back' into the Universe.

And for Sue Saraswati and her artist-daughter Amy Merry, I feel a profound gratitude and love.

Never before has 'thank you' felt so inadequate. Sue and Amy, I send you my heart-felt thanks.

And for anyone out there feeling the distress of current or past heart-break; I urge you to read 'The Song of Mother Divine', and then read it again.

This has to be the book the world needs in preparation for 2012.

Sue Saraswati is a prophet in our time:

'Om. Shanti. Peace.'
With love, Sue Clempson.

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