Monday, October 03, 2005



Tomorrow morning I am off to Egypt. I have been called to this part of the world since childhood especially to the Giza area. Earlier this year I described to a friend exactly the trip I wanted to go on: not a regular type of tour, something with a group of lightworkers, visiting some of the sacred sites and meditating/channelling/activating light. That sort of thing.
So once again, ask and you will receive (this does work), a few days after verbalising what I wanted I got it. My dear friend Maryanne, one of the beloveds in Ireland, sent me an email from Michelle Eloff advertising exactly the trip I had asked for. Exactly the trip I had asked for. Despite the fact that this would mean I would now be unable to fulfil my commitment to the seminary programme this year (I am supposed to attend a Beloved Community retreat) I just had to go. I could hardly ask for something and then turn it down when it was offered to me.

But why am I going really? Why am I so drawn to Egypt and Greece? Well I can come up with lots of reasons, some left brain, some right brain. But I’ve always known about this trip that there was something else, a very specific reason for my going.

Thursday 29th September
So this was a very odd day. So odd that I chose not to blog it at the time. I had a couple of weird experiences (even weirder than usual) that have rather shifted me. There is no way I am going to tell the whole story here a. it is far too long and b. you really would think I‘ve lost my mind! Here is an edited version:
In the morning I was working with someone, I was channelling healing energy. I was in a deep place. I became aware of two very beautiful energies, one female and one male there with me and me there in the middle, neutral. All joined together and all separate, within and without.
Later that day a very powerful healer friend was working with me. She was channelling energy my way and I was sitting in a chair. I immediately went into a very deep, but very conscious, meditation. My body was heavy and I was deeply relaxed but my brain was alert and I was aware of my surroundings. Very, very clearly I was given two important pieces of information. One concerned what my third workshop in the path to peace series would actually be – more on this another time. The other piece of information concerned my trip to Egypt. I was told what I have to do there and I hope you will help me with this.

The Unity Consciousness Grid
If you are into sacred geometry Egypt is the place to visit. One of the many amazing things that happens there is the emergence of the Unity or Christ Consciousness Grid. Try this link as a start for more info on this subject. There’s a great article called “The Christ Grid” here are a few quotes:
“For those who are new to sacred geometry, let me first say that grids are expressions of energy and consciousness that follow proportions defined by principles of sacred geometry and they span the entire multidimensional universe.”

“So the grid of the planet is an actual geometric and energetic expression of the principles of creation that can serve as a bridge between our planet's physical and energetic manifestations.”

My job is to go to the source of this grid in Giza (or as near as I can get) and to energetically put the Peace Prayers into it.

The Peace Prayers
We use these as a powerful focus in the Beloved Community
These prayers come from the twelve major religions of the world. On October 28, 1986, the leaders of these religions came to Assisi, Italy, the home of St. Francis, to offer the prayers of peace from their traditions.

When I get to the correct spot I will perform a simple ritual to enable the prayers to energise the Grid. As we are all connected to the Unity Consciousness Grid the prayers must then become a part of us all. As a matter of fact I’ve no idea if that will happen or not, I simply know that I have a job to do and this is it!

How You Can Help
Join me in this ritual. I will be doing this at some time on Monday 10th Oct (10/10/05 – interesting numbers!). I am not sure exactly when. However because of time differences around the world it would probably be very difficult to coordinate in real time anyway. I will try to post to this blog while I am away and give a more accurate time window. However that might not be possible so here is my suggestion, we can do this whatever happens: I will perform the ritual whenever I can and I will send text messages to a few friends at the time if possible. Other than this I would ask you to tune in energetically with your focus on the peace prayers, or just on peace if you prefer, at these specific times. I will tune in too and recite the prayers no matter where I am at the time.
Cairo Time Zone (ONE hour ahead of GMT): 12.00 noon. And again at 19.00hrs. So the times I am suggesting are local times Cairo - you will have to check your time zone At these times I will recite the peace prayers wherever I am. If you have peace beads or anything similar, crystals etc., leave them outside or near a window from midnight Sunday through to midnight Monday so they can absorb the energy we put into the Grid very directly.
When I get to the Grid I will perform the following ritual – there may be changes of course if I get any more info channelled my way in the interim. Please think about performing this ritual yourselves at some time on Monday. Remember that the most important thing here is that, what ever you choose to do, you open your heart and allow the flow of divine love through you and of you.

Peace Ritual at the Christ Consciousness Grid 10/10/05
We enter now into the Sacred Office Of Peace

Hindu Prayer
Oh God, lead us from the unreal to the Real.Oh God, lead us from darkness to light.Oh God, lead us from death to immortality.Shanti, Shanti, Shanti unto all.

Buddhist Prayer
May all beings everywhere plagued with sufferings of body and mind quickly be freed from their illnesses.May all beings swiftly attain Buddhahood.

Zoroastrian Prayer
We pray that understanding will triumph over ignorance,
that generosity will triumph over indifference,that trust will triumph over contempt,and that truth will triumph over falsehood.

Jainist Prayer
Peace and universal love is the essence of all the Gospels.Forgive do I creatures all,and let all creatures forgive me.

Jewish Prayer
Oh come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,that we may walk the paths of the Most High.And we will beat our swords into ploughsharesand our spears into pruning hooks.
Nation shall not raise up sword against nation,
Neither shall they study war anymore.
And none shall be afraid,
For the mouth of the Lord of Host has spoken.

Shinto Prayer
We earnestly wish that the wind will soon puff awayall the clouds hanging over the tops of the mountains.

Native African Prayer
For you are one who does not hesitate to respond to our call, you are the cornerstone of peace.

Native American Prayer
Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love,to respect and to be kind to one another,so that we may grow with peace in mind.

Muslim Prayer
Praise be to the Lord of the Universe,who has created us and made us into tribes and nationsthat we may know each other,not despise each other.

Baha'i Prayer
Be a breath of life unto the body of humankind,a dew upon the soil of the human heart,and a fruit upon the tree of humility.

Sikh Prayer
Know that we attain God when we love,and only that victory endures in consequence of whichno one is defeated.

Christian Prayer
Love your enemies,do good to those who hate you,bless those who curse you,pray for those who abuse you.Blessed be the Peacemakers,for they shall be called the Children of God.

Kuthumi’s Prayer
I am light. I am of light. In light I stand and through light I serve.
I am love. I am of love. In love I stand and through love I serve.
I am all that I am.
So it is.So it shall be.
Om. Shanti. Peace.

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