Monday, September 26, 2005


path to peace workshop one

My latest path to peace workshop one was scheduled for Friday 23rd September (last Friday). It became fairly obvious that I would have to cancel it when I had only taken one booking with 8 days to go! The temptation in this type of situation is to indulge myself in a warm bed of negativity, a nobody loves me type-of-thing. I was tempted. My indecision about what to do with the venue I had booked was creating some anxiety for me. Should I cancel and get my money back? Should I try to raise a few path to peaceniks of old to come along for a day of meditation and bodywork… or something? Some folks were away, some folks didn’t reply and some were keen. I got all mixed up about who had said what. Finally I decided to stop. I asked myself “Can I see the room? Am I breathing? Am I in balance?” Then I just told everyone I could think of that I would be at the venue from 9.30am until 1.00pm and to come along if they wanted to and to bring a voluntary contribution to help pay for the hire charge.

Guess what? This worked really well. Four folks turned up and it was obvious almost immediately that it was going to be a very powerful morning. Well I don’t know about the rest of them, but I had a good time!

We meditated for 45 mins and then exchanged healing, all working in our different ways. In fact someone suggested we all focus healing on one person, taking turns to be that one person. I can see how that might not work, a mix of incompatible energies perhaps or everyone sure they were the only one doing it the “right way”. Actually none of that happened, it was great. Everyone did his or her own thing and it worked really well. I felt terrific afterwards and still do. I’ve got loads of energy and the cold that was starting up has gently faded away into the background. So now I think I will organise mornings such as this on a regular basis.

So what seemed to be a negative situation turned into a very, very positive experience once I had decided to let go of the morning and to stop trying to control everything (Control freak? Me?). But no matter how often I am given that lesson it is always a difficult one: surrender, trust and gratitude. That’s the title of workshop two by the way. We always teach what we need to learn the most!

My joke for today:

Q: How many psychoanalysts does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Two. One to change the bulb and one to hold the penis.....sorry! I mean ladder. Why do I keep saying penis?

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